Organization Profile
Name of the Organization Sunita Trust Foundation Company Registration Registered as non-profit distributing company at the office of Nepal government’s company registrar in Kathmandu with registration number -229311076/076. SWC Affiliation Not applicable Postal address Mid- western Development Region, Lumbini , Dang District
Ghorahi Sub Metropolitan city 15, Bhagawati, NepalContact person Aasmani Chaudhary Telephone number 00977-082-560837,560489 Mobile :9857830383 Fax number 00977-082-560837 E-mail website sunitatrustfoundation. PAN registration number Working Area Dang district with possible extension to all areas of the country Working Sector School enrollment for drop out students, scholarships, school uniforms, copies, pen, pencils and bags, women and children empowerment. Target Group Poor children of backward and marginalized communities and rural women Nature of Work school and community Working Strategies Coordination, Identification, Mobilization Organizational Contact Person Name: Aasmani Chaudhary
Contact No.: 9857830383
Email Id: