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मुक्त कमैया सिबिरमा 3 जिरो क्लब गठन गरियो

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October 31, 2022: सुनिता ट्रष्ट फाउण्डेसनको आयोजनामा घोराही उपमहानगरपालिका १६ मुक्त कमैया सिबिरमा स्मृति चाैधरीको अध्यक्षतामा थ्री जिरो क्लब गठन गरियो ।

Sunita Trust Foundation (STF) has formally set up a “Three Zero Club” under the leadership of Smirti Chaudhary, a resident of Freed Kamaiya settlement located at Ghorahi Sub Metropolis -16 on Monday (October 31, 2022).

The Three Zero Club formation was facilitated by Kamala Sharma and Shiva Chaudhary who represent Sunita Trust Foundation and Gramin Mahila Utthan Kendra.

The Three Zero Club formed will engage the emerging youths to combat the challenges of the adverse impact of climate change, unemployment, and emission of carbon dioxide. They will in course of time be initiating creative activities in this regard and at the same time develop leadership and professional skills. Over 20 youths including boys and girls along with their guardians were present on the occasion of orientation.

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